米国合氣道協会 ● 国際合氣道協会

Aikido Association of America / International


1016 W Belmont Ave, Chicago. IL 60657
773.525.3141 — info@aaa-aikido.com

Founded by
Fumio Toyoda Shihan

“He was born into Life on November 8, 1947. He was born into Eternity on July 4, 2001. It has been said that he arrived in the United States a little over 25 years ago with a gi, a hakama, $25 dollars, and a pack of cigarettes. From those humble beginnings he created the second largest aikido organization in the world with over 150 dojo worldwide and thousands of students. Reflecting upon his achievements I am reminded of a famous quote. ‘Some men see things as they are and say why. Others dream things that never were and say why not.’ — George Bernard Shaw — He never let the impossible deter him.”

-James Nakayama (Shibucho of the AAA Western Region, dojocho of Chushinkan Dojo)

What is Aikido?

Aikido (合氣道) literally translates to the ‘the way of harmonizing with energy’. A Japanese martial art founded by Morihei Ueshiba (commonly called O-Sensei) in the early twentieth century, aikido is recognized for its unique spirit, so different from many martial arts which make sportive or combative aims their sole rationale. Masakatsu Agatsu (正勝吾勝), ‘true victory, is victory over the self’, was a favorite saying of the Founder to demonstrate aikido as a means to transcend dualistic conflict. 

Find a Dojo Near You

A dojo (道場) is any place or training facilities where ‘the way’ can be practiced.

Aikido Association of America and Aikido Association International dojo offers traditional aikido programs with instruction provided by shidoin (instructors) or fukushidoin (assistant instructors) using the methodology of founder Fumio Toyoda Shihan. Use our Dojo Locator to find a dojo, club, or class near you.


The Aikido Association of America and Aikido Association International is committed to continuing Toyoda Shihan’s legacy in propagating high quality aikido through strong fundamentals, clear teaching methodology, and dynamic demonstration of technique. View our seminar schedule for our various events, seminars, camps, and instructors certification workshops.


Whether you are looking to join our organization, coordinate an aikido demonstration, enter our uchideshi program (live-in trainees), schedule a speaking engagement, or affiliate your dojo, our Headquarter Office is happy to assist with you with your inquiry. The AAA and AAI provide several different types of services to individuals, dojo, and the community. We look forward to hearing from you!